STEM: Let’s create more Abdul Kalams and Kalpana Chawlas in low-income schools.

What is the Social Issue we are solving?

Most children in Government and low-income private schools do not have very high career aspirations. And a very very small percentage even know about the opportunities in space and space allied industries. Many people feel there is no point in introducing space technology and careers in space to children in Government schools because they do not have the potential and opportunities to aspire for it.

Who is the Solution For?

Children in Government schools and Low-income private schools.

Under-served Community where this solution can be Deployed

Government schools and Low income private schools

How is the Solution solving this social issue?

The Cosmokit contains various space technology equipment and experiments. Children learn to build parachutes, gliders, rockets etc, learn about the position of stars and phases of the moon, thus developing the curiosity in space technology. They also learn about careers in space and space allied industries. They learn about women in space. This is a stepping stone for children from low income families to start aspiring for a future in space.

Sustainability of the Solution

This is a one time workshop-based solution. However, the impact of this can be extended by spacing out the space workshop though out the academic year, and kindling the interest of the children through planetarium visits, space exhibitions etc

We also set up space labs in Government schools to provide continued space technology education to the children. These labs

can be shared by multiple schools.

Expected Outcome of the Solution

Children slowly begin to develop interest in space technology and careers in space related industries. They also understand what courses they can choose in order to land up in these careers. Girl children get motivated by other women in space. Children start following news and online channels related to space and space technology.