Makeshift Houses for Migrant low-income families

What is the Social Issue we are solving?

Temporary shelters in slums and low-income communities built out of broken materials, tarpaulin sheets and garbage leads to growth of fungus which has an adverse effect on humans and environment. Further, since these houses are not a good housing solution, the plastic sheets and other materials are thrown in water bodies or go as landfills.

Who is the Solution For?

Everyone from low income families who does not have a dignified, hygienic home

Under-served Community where this solution can be Deployed

Slums, Rural areas, Shelter homes with broken walls

How is the Solution solving this social issue?

Makeshift homes for migrants and those from low income families are dismantle-able pop-up houses. These homes built on unused rooftops of small households and other common spaces have access to water, electricity and sanitation facilities in house. The family pays the same rent as in the blue tent settlement for this lockable, semi permanent housing. The family no longer needs to spend regularly replacing non durable tarpaulin sheets every year and rotten wooden frames every other year in the blue tent settlement. The women now can have a secure place. The men and women of the family can work longer with reduced sick leave which is a common occurrence in the blue tent settlement due to unhealthy living conditions. The children also do not fall sick as often, saving on medical bills and are able to get good night’s rest and focus better in school. As a result, the migrant family’s disposable income increases by  more than 40%.

Sustainability of the Solution

The homes are constructed with sturdy, sustainable materials and are a long term housing solution for migrants and families from low income communities.

Expected Outcome of the Solution

  1. Dignified homes.
  2. Safety
  3. Better health
  4. Better productivity at work

Testimonial from Philanthropists

“A home is everyone’s dream. Migrant laborers do not get to dream this dream. The makeshift houses is a great way we can restore their dignity.”