Virtual Reality enabled skilling solutions in low-income colleges

What is the Social Issue we are solving?

Students in ITIs receive very little or no practical training required to get into the job market, due to lack of necessary & fundamental training equipment or shortage of resources. On the other hand, Industry requirement for skilled labour is constantly on the rise, and without adequate modern training, the students in ITIs are not equipped with the right kind of skill set that meet industry expectations.

Who is the Solution For?

Youth, Women, Persons of the Third gender, persons with mild disabilities

Under-served Community where this solution can be Deployed

ITI colleges, Low income engineering and technical training colleges, women in low-income communities

How is the Solution solving this social issue?

The Multi-Skill simulator platform helps better quality training at much lower costs for hands-on skills like welding, spray painting, AC repair, solar panel technician, blasting and many more.

These are all skills where the practical component of the training takes a lot of costs to deliver, and this high cost often limits the number of practical hours of training a student gets.

Sustainability of the Solution

The simulation provides additional benefits like ability to understand mistakes and their impact on the output quality. Moreover, the “simulator integrated” method of training is eco-friendly and also saves a lot of costs on consumables. Simulators also reduce the training time needed to perfect the skill, making it possible to train a much larger number of students in a given time frame.

1. Self Implementation models

  • Corporates can set up training centers in catchments of youth where there is a high need for training. Example: rural areas, tier-2, tier-3 cities, urban slums etc
  • Corporates can also set up skilling centers in their factory/company premise. This can help youth get skilled simultaneously in the simulation labs as well as get an exposure to factory set-up and employability skills.

2. Implementing agency model

Corporates can also implement the game changing training model through implementation agencies in the following ways.

  • Corporates could work with skilling NGOs that they are already engaged with and introduce the VR-enabled training solutions as a revolutionized way of implementing the project. The advantage in this is that the NGO would already have mobilization capability, operations capability and placement integration. Most importantly, the NGO would have built credibility with the corporate and hence ease of operation is higher.
  • Corporates could also sponsor the set up of the skilling labs in an ITI or a government college in their geography of focus.

Expected Outcome of the Solution

  1. Drastic reduction in cost of skilling as compared to traditional methods.
  2. Efficient transfer of skills.
  3. Better evaluation of performance of the learner.
  4. Gender inclusion in trades like welding, painting etc which are predominantly male-dominated.